22 research outputs found

    Lernen im Kontext : Digitale Medien fĂŒr Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten Entwicklung und Erprobung eines mobilen Assistenzsystems fĂŒr kontextbezogenes Lernen

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    A model of an assistance-system was built in an intensive and multilayered process of participatory software development in the context of a sheltered-workshop for disabled people. The solution is assisting people with learning disabilities to accomplish auton-omously their job tasks. Based on emotion-recognition and specific personalized profiles the system can recognize the cognitive abilities in a certain situation and assist to coop with problems by personalized feedback. Therefor the successful completion of a task is supported and the system can prevent failures and dangerous mistakes. As a result the experience of personal confidence and self-efficacy can be fostered. By a prototype the model could be evaluated and refined. The system consists of an authoring-area for designing personalized audio-visual work instructions and a mobile assistance area, that could easily be integrated in a production station. Because of the special needs of the target group and their vulnerability a adapted version of participatory software de-velopment process has to be initiated and applied

    Learning in context : Digital media for people with learning disabilities Development and testing of a mobile assistance-system for context related learning

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    A model of an assistance-system was built in an intensive and multilayered process of participatory software development in the context of a sheltered-workshop for disabled people. The solution is assisting people with learning disabilities to accomplish auton-omously their job tasks. Based on emotion-recognition and specific personalized profiles the system can recognize the cognitive abilities in a certain situation and assist to coop with problems by personalized feedback. Therefor the successful completion of a task is supported and the system can prevent failures and dangerous mistakes. As a result the experience of personal confidence and self-efficacy can be fostered. By a prototype the model could be evaluated and refined. The system consists of an authoring-area for designing personalized audio-visual work instructions and a mobile assistance area, that could easily be integrated in a production station. Because of the special needs of the target group and their vulnerability a adapted version of participatory software de-velopment process has to be initiated and applied

    Using Computer Simulations to Investigate the Potential Performance of ‘A to B’ Routing Systems for People with Mobility Impairments

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    Navigating from ‘A to B’ remains a serious problem for many people with mobility impairments, due to the need to avoid accessibility barriers. Yet there is currently no effective routing tool that is regularly used by people with disabilities in order to effectively avoid accessibility barriers in the built environment. To explore what is required to produce an effective routing tool, we have conducted Monte-Carlo simulations, simulating over 460 million journeys. This work illustrates the need to focus on barrier minimization, instead of barrier avoidance, due to the limitations of what can be achieved by any accessibility documentation tool. We also make a substantial contribution to the concern of meaningful performance metrics for activity recognition, illustrating how simulations can operate as useful real-world performance metrics for information sources utilized by navigation systems.11

    Anregungen aus der inklusiven Technologieentwicklung

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    Strategically Using Applied Machine Learning for Accessibility Documentation in the Built Environment

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    There has been a considerable amount of research aimed at automating the documentation of accessibility in the built environment. Yet so far, there has been no fully automatic system that has been shown to reliably document surface quality barriers in the built environment in real-time. This is a mixed problem of HCI and applied machine learning, requiring the careful use of applied machine learning to address the real-world concern of practical documentation. To address this challenge, we offer a framework for designing applied machine learning approaches aimed at documenting the (in)accessibility of the built environment. This framework is designed to take into account the real-world picture, recognizing that the design of any accessibility documentation system has to take into account a range of factors that are not usually considered in machine learning research. We then apply this framework in a case study, illustrating an approach which can obtain a f-ratio of 0.952 in the best-case scenario.426448

    Kernelement der digitalen Transformation

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    Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung und Konzeptionierung eines MOOC zur Vermittlung von Barrierefreiheits-Kompetenzen in der digitalen Verwaltung

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    Bund, LĂ€nder und Kommunen sind laut Gesetz zur Verbesserung des Onlinezugangs zu Verwaltungsleistungen (OZG) verpflichtet. Sie mĂŒssen bis Ende 2022 ihre Dienstleistungen auch digital und barrierefrei anbieten. Im Rahmen des vom IT-Planungsrat geförderten Projektes„eGov-Campus”werden derzeit Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) entwickelt und umgesetzt, damit sich Lernende aus dem Bereich des öffentlichen Sektors weiterbilden können. Das Institut fĂŒr Digitale Teilhabe (IDT) der Hochschule Bremen beteiligt sich mit einem Lernmodul zum Thema „Digitale Barrierefreiheit – Teilhabe fĂŒr alle”, in dem Grundlagen zum Themenfeld „Behinderung und Barrierefreiheit“ vermittelt werden, an diesem Projekt. MOOCs bedĂŒrfen einer spezifischen Konzeption und Gestaltung, die sich von traditionellen Lehrveranstaltungen im tertiĂ€ren Bildungssektor unterscheiden. Der MOOC soll die Teilnehmenden fĂŒr BeeintrĂ€chtigungen sensibilisieren, sodass sie befĂ€higt werden, Barrieren zu erkennen, zu vermindern und deren Entstehung im Vorfeld zu verhindern. Im Fokus des Beitrages steht die Entwicklung und didaktische Rahmung eines Lernsettings, das die Übertragung von Umsetzungsstrategien fĂŒr den eigenen beruflichen Kontext initiiert und die sich daraus ergebenden Implikationen fĂŒr die didaktische Gestaltung des Lernangebotes